Sensor Taps and Soap Dispensers | The Future of Bathrooms | NOW Bathroom Renovations ...
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Sensor Taps and Soap Dispensers | The Future of Bathrooms

Est. Reading: 6 minutes

The way we wash our hands both at home or while out has changed forever!

During this difficult time of dealing with the Covid 19 virus and changing the way we live our daily life,  one thing that we have all learnt is that some of the changes we have made will be with us forever. 

The way we wash our hands and think about hand washing is not going to stop once this current situation has passed.

One of the ways to improve how we wash our hands in our own homes or work place is to install sensor taps and soap dispensers. With the wide variety of products on the market which includes mains operated or battery powered options it is quite easy to update your bathroom, powder room, laundry, kitchen, office or other suitable room now to install sensor operated taps and soap dispensers. So if a full renovation isn't something you need or have planned in the short term you can still make these changes to help protect your family or your staff in a work environment. 

How this will help you family:

With the installation of sensor taps and soap dispensers you are providing your family and visitors to your home with a hygienic way to wash their hands, thus minimizing the risk of cross contamination of germs.

There are many reasons even when in your own home that you could come into contact with contaminated surfaces.  With the increase to online shopping and ordering of food we all probably receive more home deliveries than ever, thus increasing the potential to touch things that may have been touched by others.  Or if you have visitors that you shake hands with or interact with objects around the home. If your children have friends over, or if anyone in your home has an illness, or even after handling certain foods such as poultry and meat it is more important than ever that we can continue to wash our hands correctly and safely. 

For the kitchen


Germs are invisible hitchhikers just waiting for a ride and ironically standard basin and sink mixers  are a bridge to our hands.

Hand hygiene is probably the most important measure one can take to protect one self and their family from deadly germs and bacteria like salmonella.

The use of hands free items such as taps and soap dispensers can significantly reduce the chance of cross contamination and the spread of germs and illness. As a result of changing to this method of hand washing you will be far less likely to contaminate or receive contamination from your current basin or sink mixer.

Wall Mounted
Hob Mounted

Other benefits

Sensor taps have been proven to provide water savings compared with standard tapware. With sensor taps there are several factors which ensure a more efficient use of water. Firstly, the water flow only occurs when the hands are directly in front of the sensor in the hand washing area. In situations where the user is soaping their hands, cleaning their teeth or washing their face for example, there is no water running, meaning significant water saving. There can also be water wastage by users trying to achieve a particular temperature when using normal tapware. Most sensor taps have the water temperature controlled prior to the outlet, so the control is removed from the user.

Another benefit of sensor taps is that for ease of use to those with mobility limitations and children. Users with limitations in movement are benefited by not having to reach and manually operate taps. The physical capability to perform perceived simple actions such as washing hands can be overlooked by many, but sensor taps remove much of the difficulty in performing these tasks for an important sector of the community.

Automatic soap dispensers not only have all the benefits of sensor taps in regards to eliminating cross contamination and the opportunity for germs to be passed from person to person. They also have the same benefits to those with mobility limitations and children.

In addition to this automatic soap dispensers control the amount of soap used, they dispense a measured amount of soap into the hands of the user. This keeps the surfaces cleaner by reducing spilling and saves soap.

Drying your hands

It is very important to remember that after all the good work of washing your hands it is equally important that you dry your hands thoroughly as well. 

Research studies show that drying with paper towels or cloth towels removes even more germs than washing alone, as the friction of drying reduces the germ count even further. However cloth towels should only be used in the home, where each person has his or her own towel and a spot to hang it, and they should be washed regularly.

NOW Bathroom Renovations

We are a “one stop shop” professional Design and Building business based in Melbourne.

107A Miller Street, Epping VIC 3076
1300 569 688
© 2025 • NOW Bathroom Renovations