One of the best ways to put all your ideas together is to create a mood board. Have you seen lots of different things that you like but can’t visualise or imagine how they will look? Well by creating a mood board you can add all the different elements in one image and see if they work, or more importantly if you like them.
There are no rules to what can and can’t work, include what you like and you just might be surprised. If it doesn’t create the look you are trying to achieve then remove elements and change them for another option.
These days there are a number of companies that have mood board templates on their websites that you can utilise to create your own individual design. Alternatively, it is very easy to create your own by starting with a google document and uploading various images. Get the kids involved, they will have no problems helping you get started.
Then of course there is the old-fashioned way of starting with a large sheet of project paper and adding photos cut out of magazines (now I’m showing my age). The kids may think you have gone completely mad but get creative and have some fun.
When I’m working with our customers in the design and selection stage, I find the biggest problem is that they struggle to make a final decision as they are worried that their selections won’t work together.
Remember to add all the different elements such as plumbing fittings, tiles, building features such as skylights, colours, furnishings, lighting and anything else that reflects your style.